Confused part 2


I posted the other day about negative pink dye but all positive blue dye. A bunch of great women comment telling me that they were clearly positive and congratulations. But I decided to add more to the store hoping that will help figure it out more. I got pregnant last month and had a chemical. I been tempting so I stuck to it, since I didn’t know if a chemical messes up you cycle. So I took a test with pink dye about 4 days before my period was suppose to be due. And swear I saw very very faint line. I started bleeding two days before my app says my period was due. But it was pink and I only saw it in the first day after we had sex. Then on the second day it was just some when I wiped, the third day it wasn’t even enough to say it was a third day of bleeding. There wasn’t anything Friday but Saturday I some a very very tiny bit when I wiped once and I noticed that when we had sex that the cum was kinda pinkish sorry tmi. I took a test the day my period was supposed to start which was Thursday and you can see a line. I took about 10 blue dye test and they all came out positive. But when I took a fist response I don’t see anything. My temps aren’t telling me anything because they are all over the place.