Happy 29 weeks bump!!!


My little acrobat and I have made it to 29 weeks!!

Y’all can’t even know how happy I am...after so many losses & never making it passed 8 weeks until now I have a little happy dance celebration every week!!

11 weeks left to go....I swear this pregnancy has FLOWN by! I’m torn between wanting it to keep flying by & wishing for time to SLOW DOWN because I know I probably won’t ever get to experience the journey of pregnancy for a second time.

Here’s my bump update - I’ve been told by numerous people this week how huge I have gotten... I had a lady ask me how far along I am & when I told her she said “oh my gosh you still have that much longer & you’re already that big? How much bigger can you get!?”.... normally that would bother me (I guess it does still a tad if I’m being honest) but I am learning to love my “huge” bump because i can feel how strong my little warrior is & that’s all that matters to me!!💙🙏🌈👶