How do I deal with a man who invalidates my emotions?

I'm currently pregnant and feeling depressed and uncared for mentally and emotionaly in my relationship. We have had a difficult relationship with mental, emotional, and verbal abuse through out. He came in me when I told him not to and Plan B failed even taken within an hour, I know ppl will question. I always turn him down for sex, I just really don't feel like it. I feel unconnected. He tells me my feelings are an excuse and if I'm crying sad he says I want attention. He says I disagree with him on purpose and I go out of my way to be sad. He's currently walking around the house bad mouthing me saying I'm lazy, sneeky, and just pretending to be sad. I understand that he feels rejected but I just can't get him to see it's because he can't empathize and he's mean. I know I'm in for a bad time until I can leave but I'm just feeling down and don't have friends to talk to. Any advice? Please don't be too harsh.