I don’t even know 😖

I think my boyfriend has a porn addiction. I want to say that 100% do NOT care at all if he watches porn and whatnot (I do too and I just don’t think it would be fair). I just think this is different.

My boyfriend is on reddit 24/7 and I know that’s where he goes to look at porn. But whether we’re watching a movie or even when I’m driving and he’s in the passenger seat, he’s always on his phone and she enough he’s scrolling away on reddit, looking at different girls. I’ll even catch him screenshotting the pictures. Just tonight we were watching a show in the living room and I was feeding the baby while he went on his phone and I saw he was scrolling, screenshotting, and zooming in on different pictures of different girls.

It makes me feel like absolute crap.

I just had a baby almost a month ago and I was diagnosed with prenatal depression and now, postpartum depression. I know I should talk to him about it, I’m sorry, but I suffer from anxiety and my mind is just filled with so many thoughts.

With these thoughts come insecurities and seeing him do this just makes it worse. He also makes insensitive jokes and if I get upset by them, he says I’m sensitive. I don’t know anymore.
