Is this wrong of me?

Hi ladies, I’ve been dating this guy for months but we practically act like we’re together, we’re only seeing each other. (We both agreed) everything is going good but I feel like I never know what he does in his day, it’s not me being psycho at all it’s just wanting to know what he does in his day. This has been going on for awhile, I expressed how I felt and nothing’s changed. I let him know more or less what I’m doing just so he knows what my day looks like but with him, I never know besides him being at work 8-5pm after that who knows what he’s doing. There’s times I’d call him to talk and he’s with his friends, never even knew he was going. Other times he’s out with his cousin and doesn’t text me for 2/3hrs.

His birthday just passed, I ended up going to sleep at 10pm because I was so tired. I received a missed call from him at 3am I asked what was he doing and why did he call he just said it was on accident and he was just with family all night.

We met with one of his friends and they brought up how he went to go eat around 1am..

He left that out, so Since I don’t even know what he does or he leaves things out I’m starting to worry???


Edit- I can careless what he does, he has his freedom it’s just the fact that I never know what he’s doing. I feel so outta loop. Because it’s been months and I still don’t know what he’s up too