Possible preeclampsia


I saw my doctor on Wednesday and she was worried because I had gained 11 pounds in 3 weeks when my average has been about 3 pounds a month and she could see how swollen my face feet and hands were.(she has had me on baby aspirin since 13 weeks because I'm overweight and had elevated BP towards the very end of my last pregnancy) My BP was elevated and I've been getting dizzy and lightheaded doing simple things. She had me take blood and set me up an appointment for next week to do a 24 hour urine test and to check my weight, BP and to take more blood she also told me to start checking my BP three times a day. Well all day yesterday and today my BP has been around 150/90 and I'm getting really nervous I may have preeclampsia...I called my doctor and am waiting for a call back. I'm not sure what to expect! What was the experience any of you Mama's that have had it with previous pregnancies?