How should I go about my new roommate?

I recently went back to school and am renting an apartment with 2 other girls, one,,Cr, I’ve never met, the other, Ch,vis... something else.

I’m only here for 3 months until I graduate college, so I’ve been trying to push issues aside, however, Ch is making that very hard.

She is 20, and has no idea how to take care of herself.

She has no listener, can’t cook, can’t make her own bed, doesn’t know how to put a lamp together, she doesn’t even clean up after herself.

I started helping her a little when I first moved in, trying to be nice, but now she comes to me with the smallest things. She’s essentially destroyed the kitchen in 2 weeks.

The worst thing is she was very sick and found out she has strep but refuses to distant herself from anyone. Which isn’t good because my whole family but me is high risk.

Not to mention she almost burned our kitchen down, twice.

She also has no filter, we were talking one day and I brought up my brother has autism so he can’t drive, he’s high functioning and if he was retested would not register, and her response?

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry”

Like I said he was dead??

It’s only been two weeks and I honestly have no idea how to handle her anymore. She doesn’t even call me by my name, she calls me mom!

I know I need to just suck it up, but I know if I just leave her alone she actually might destroy the apartment.