How do u deal with mean coworkers?

I need a second to vent y’all 🙄

I’m a nurse tech on a cardiac ward. There are 2 nurses that obviously do not like me. They are very old fashioned which is fine, but they work all the techs to our breaking point.. unless we learn how to stand up for ourself but then they just end up hating us.

I have had only positive remarks from the other nurses. I not only get my tasks done but go above and beyond.

The first nurse has issues with me being light duty and having to go to appointments every once in a while and because I’m military I am required to go to appointments. Since I work in the military hospital it’s not like I’m leaving work to drive else where and there’s always another tech on the floor. She makes a scene when she is charge nurse and I tell her in the morning about an appointment. She also purposely works me harder then any other tech and has tried to make me late for appointments.

The other nurse acts as if her 1-2 patients are far more important then any other patient on the floor and tries to have me focus all my attention on her patients, not the other 8 I have. She makes a scene at the nurses station if I haven’t checked on the patients in an hour yet tries to have me “neglect” my other patients. This is all while I’m running around caring for my other 8 total care patients, having to sit tele to relieve the tele tech for lunch, and not getting a lunch myself. It’s also about petty things, like why haven’t u asked the patient if they want fresh water? She has ONE OR TWO patients and I have TEN. I do vitals, pass meds, clean them, change beds, feed them, do full back to back admissions alone, run them to xrays and chart.

I’m just so mad she scolds me in front of all the other nurses. I’m trying so hard here. The other techs don’t ask their patients if they wanna bathe, yet mine are done in the morning and set up for the day. I have already talked to leadership but nothing has been done. They say it’s just who she is. I ignore her for the most part but it just boils my blood when she says those things to me.