Worst week ever.

Firstly im 34 weeks pregnant with gestational diabetes for background.

Basically i have refills on my diabetes test strips and lancets. I asked them to be filled on monday and im told they cant be filled till Friday after me missing an appointment monday because they gave me the wrong time and being told i couldnt get at least my refills that day so i wasted monday traveling down there. So i go a day without testing my meal numbers but i got to save two test strips to test my fasting numbers since those are the only ones that are bad for me and i had two for yesterday and today.

I called yesterday about having them filled for Friday which is now today and i find out they'll deliver free and im broke after bills and baby supplies for my 1 year old and soon to be new baby but i have the $6 for the co-payment i saved. So i was happy.

They call me this morning and explain my insurance has a thing set that i can only get 2 refills every 2 months though my doctor specifically told me that i can get as many refills as needed. The pharmacist also said to call my insurance and find out the problem since i obviously need them since i have gestational diabetes and need to test.

I call them and they completely understand and just explained the doctor didn't authorize it properly and called my clinic and they were sent to this prescription thing called Medline that my clinic does and they left a voicemail asking just for the doctor to authorize it and they said they will call me when they get the authorization. They made it sound easy

I called 3 hours later just to check even though it was still early. Nothing yet but the lady explained either way after its authorized it takes 24hrs to approve and then they have to contact the pharmacy and its this whole thing. Basically she told me i wasn't getting anything today. Or the weekend as my clinic and pharmacy will be closed. So now i gotta hope that everything is fixed by monday. So now out of strips and ive just been watching what i eat like usual which isnt a problem but i cant take my morning fasting numbers.

On top of all of that im broke and cant even buy strips temporarily. And i barely slept last night or have been able to sleep because of stress from multiple things. My daughter spilled all her macaronies on the floor and wasted an entire bowl of food and i legit just walked to the sink and cried. Ive been having a hard few days and this whole thing topped everything