I’m so ready to see my little girl!


I had a failed induction on 8/19 (39 weeks). I was induced due to high blood pressure, but she seemed to do fine with all that and was doing great with the pitocin and meds to thin my cervix. I went home because I still wanted to try for a vaginal delivery.

I had an appointment today 8/28 (40 weeks and 2 days). I also had bloody show this morning, meaning my cervix was changing, so that was a good sign. Anyway, when I got induced I always stayed at 1 cm dilation. I’m at 2 cm dilation as of today, and because of that, he said he can break my water. Not only that, since I’m past due, and I got bloody show, this induction looks promising.

I just hope this is it. Cause I’m tired of being pregnant. Also, my placenta started to look mature and he didn’t want to risk going to 41 weeks or more on top of my chronic high blood pressure.

Wish me the best because I am ready to see my little girl.