
I've been dealing with depression/anxiety for years and recently I talked to my family doctor about utility because its causing me really by chest problems. (Ex. My sternum got very inflamed). And he put me on some medicine that's been helping..but my fears came true about seeking help for my problems. My mom keeps patronizing me about it (I'm only 16) saying things like "you don't need to be on that" "you're fine" "you're just wanting attention" "maybe I need to talk to the doctor about you" "when will you be off these drugs" "everyone feels like that sometimes" and that's just a few of the mean things for example..shes always been mentally abusive to me and it makes me feel worse that I already do..I think im just going to quit going to the doctor even though it helps and just talk to my guidance counselor at school. Any suggestions on what to do?...