3 positive pregnancy tests


I had been on birth control consistently for over 2 years, I got off about 2 months ago because my boyfriend was battling covid and it’s been difficult for me to get my bc pill refills so I figured I should save my packs since sex was the least of my worries then. Once my boyfriend was better, had numerous negative COVID tests, and we started seeing each other in person again, I got back on the pill. I don’t need any negative opinions but basically we had lots of sex on 8/9. I didn’t feel too confident since I was barely getting back into birth control so I took an emergency contraceptive and hoped for the best. It’s now been almost 3 weeks since “the” sex day and my period is officially one week late. I took 3 pregnancy tests this morning and they were each instant positives. I’m 23 years old and not ready to be a mother at all. I study and work full time and my boyfriend recently lost his job due to coronavirus. I always had the “women should have the right to have an abortion but I don’t think I’d ever have one” mentality but now I feel it’s my only option. I feel so stupid and selfish, especially since I know so many women with fertility issues, but I think a medical abortion would be what’s best for my boyfriend and I. Have any of you taken an abortion pill? I don’t know much about what I should expect and quite frankly I’m terrified. Ive emailed my doctor (who’s also my gynecologist) and now im just waiting for a call. I appreciate any tips/support and I hope you’re all doing well and staying safe 💞 wish me luck