Rory Grey is here!!


Welp my little girl was going to be a planned c section on the 10th of September, but at my weekly appointment my doctor told me I was having contractions and was 2 cm. dilated. Because I had an ovarian cyst the size of a nerf football (no joke), she was concerned about my going into labor, as my baby girl was blocked from going through the birth canal.

Needless to say, she had me come back the next morning, and I was 5 cm. dilated. She said “let’s have a baby today” — so we did.

First time Mom and let me just say— I didn’t know my heart could love this hard. I am forever changed. Here she is! Born August 27th at 11:30 AM, weighing 7 lbs 5 oz. and 19 inches. My early bird was 37w2d. 💕