My future In-Laws are exhausting me... *Long post, sorry!!

♥️ • 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢 𝟹.𝟸𝟼.𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶 ♡︎ 𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝟹.𝟸𝟾.𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟷 ♡︎

Maybe I’m just being over dramatic here but I just need to let out some steam..

Lemme explain:

I’m currently 9w5d pregnant and I feel as if my boyfriend’s family is stressing me out.. It doesn’t happen every single day but can happen multiple times a week. What I mean is, I feel like I have to watch my every single move when it comes to his family. If I don’t engage in physical activities due to fatigue, they think something is wrong or that I’m upset. Usually I’m never upset but when you’re pregnant, sometimes you just can’t fight the fatigue.

They will constantly ask what’s wrong multiple times when I’ve let them know everything is okay. There are times I can’t eat anything because of Food Aversions/Nausea and I let them know I will eat when I’m able to. His mother will say she understands but then kinda gets upset when I don’t eat. She gives me a small lecture that I need to eat and I understand she is concerned for the baby. I do my best to be able to get something in my system because I don’t want to starve, nor not being able to provide for the baby. His father one day asked me over 4 times what do I want to eat when I let him know I wasn’t able to eat just yet. (There are plenty of other times he’s done this as well.) His father will stare at me until I give him some sort of attention and his little sister will do the same as well. Now, yes with little kids I understand how they can be. I have a lot of patience with his sister and brother, I really do. My boyfriend did let me know she likes to be the center of attention - maybe that’s why she’s constantly staring at me so I can give her my attention?

There are other times where I’ve been asked multiples,”Who do you love the most in this family?”, “Who do I think loves you the most?” Or “Do you love me?” Mainly by his father and sister.. sometimes they will ask his mother if she loves me and she never gives an answer.. The only thing she says is,”Well as long as you have *insert boyfriend’s name*, you don’t need anyone else’s.”

I guess the one thing I’m really worried about is how I feel like she might try to take over once i have the baby. Don’t get me wrong, any help is greatly appreciated but I still worry. Why? Because sometimes she’ll make jokes about breast feeding my baby if I’m not around. His parents are already calling our baby, “My baby,” and whenever my boyfriend corrects them, they pause and then say, “You know what I mean.”

Sensitive subject but I’m religious and my boyfriend is not. We respect each other’s decision and we came to an agreement that we will not discuss religion with our kids until they are ready. However, his mom says that she wants the kid to believe in something rather than nothing. (Saying she wants to introduce religion at a very young age whether we agree to it or not.) I never said I wasn’t going to talk to them about religion but it’s up to my child if they would like to decide on a religion.

His mom doesn’t really seem to be open when it comes to same-sex relationships either.. Often saying things to his little brother such as,”You can’t have a baby if you don’t marry a girl!” Which I explained, there are other options when it comes to babies but I’m not going to influence that decision on his siblings. They should be free to have the option to express themselves as they please. Yet, his mom says that she already knows the kiddos won’t be in a same-sex relationship. I just don’t want those views to be rubbed off in the wrong way to my child when they’re older. They’re her kids and I’m not going to tell her to change her views on HER children. I’ve noticed that religion is a VERY sensitive subject to her and I usually try not to talk about it much either.. same thing with same-sex relationships/marriage..

Another thing is how they are trying to decide how my birth should be. They don’t want me to do an epidural and that it needs to be natural. Now I’m not going to lie, I’m a COMPLETE baby when it comes to pain. I hear the pros/cons of getting an epidural but I feel pressured into not getting one.. I’m also interested in doing a water birth but they said it’s better to just give birth in the hospital and I should give birth there.

I don’t know, maybe all of this is just me and I’m being the bad person here.... Any advice on what I should do to relieve some stress?

Edit* sorry forgot to include but yes, we are living with them.