Does Working Out Actually Affect Baby Size?


So I have read that working out leads to slightly smaller babies, and that diet also affects the size of the baby. With my first, I did not work out AT ALL and ate whatever I wanted including soda. I gained about 35 pounds. This second baby, I started working out around 15 weeks on my exercise bike and continued to do it 5-6 times per week until I hit 34 weeks, when I’ve now cut back to 3 times per week because it is getting difficult. I have also been watching what I eat more this time and trying to eat fewer carbs and processed food, although I am indulging a bit more here at the end. Even with eating better and working out, I have gained 33 pounds already at 35 weeks, so will likely gain 40 total. Anyway, at my checkup this week at 34+5 my midwife was feeling my belly and everything and asked how big my first was which I said 8.12. She then said she didn’t think this baby would be quite that big. Obviously I still have a bit to go, but I was kind of surprised because I hear second babies are usually bigger. Has anyone been more active and health conscious their second pregnancy and had a smaller baby? It’s all so interesting to me! I did not have a growth ultrasound because my midwives didn’t think it was needed, so I haven’t had an ultrasound since 20 weeks when baby was measuring average.