Losing weight and nauseousness a sign of labor being near?

Unique • Baby #2 11-3-23 ❤️

Is losing weight and all of a sudden getting nauseous a sign that labor is near? Just Wednesday I was 253 and Friday I was 250 (both taken at doctor’s office) and now I’m 246 this morning...why am I losing weight like this all of a sudden? Also I’ve been getting pretty nauseous since Wednesday. I’m currently 34 weeks will be 35 weeks on Tuesday. On Thursday I went to the hospital due to frequent contractions and was told I was in early labor and plus my bp is high. My doctor put me on bed rest so we can try to keep the baby in till at least 36 weeks but he told me he’s not stopping my contractions if I go into active labor before 36 weeks I am going to have the baby. I’m getting worried because I did have some pinkish blood on Friday night and I’m not sure if that was my bloody show or blood from being checked but my cervix was checked Thursday morning. As of Thursday I am 1cm dilated. The contractions stopped on Saturday thankfully but Ive still been cramping and having stomach pains and tightness. They are not as bad as when i was having contractions. Sorry for the long post I am a ftm and scared I really want to keep my baby in as long as possible.