How long do you nurse your 6 month old?

Cheryl • Mama to Jasper James 3.5.20 💙💙💙

I feel like my baby has gotten very efficient at nursing. He used to nurse one side 20 minutes and over the months that time has decreased. He is now emptying the breast in about 9 minutes and we've started solids. He has gotten a little antsy and aggressive (hitting his hands around) while nursing and I don't know if it's because he's still hungry or just mad he had to work for the rest of the milk. I'm not sure if I'm making as much milk as I used to or his appetite has just grown so much that he needs both? He would eat all day until he ends up spitting up milk if I let him, so it's hard to go by "when baby is content". Any input or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!