Tell me if I'm being ridiculous

I'm currently 28 weeks pregnant and over here crying about the fact I dont feel like my boyfriend really cares about me and the baby. He recentlg started a new job and has an hour break for lunch. I just wish that hed message me and ask me how I'm doing or the baby without me texting him first. I feel like he completely forgets about me while hes at work or just doesnt care to talk to me. He use to bitch that I never messaged him during my lunch so I started doing it. He comes home and talks about his friends at work (which I'm okay with) but at the same time he forgets to even ask me how my day was or how I'm doing. He obviously doesn't forget that he needs sex though. Idk maybe I'm crazy but it really hurts my heart when all I want is to atleast feel like he cares... am I being ridiculous? Maybe its the pregnancy hormones idk...

*meant to post this in the relationship group but accidently posted it here. I cant figure out how to move it*