Incompetent cervix



Ladies some insight please.Please forgive my long story.

So on April I had a d&c followed by one more d&c 10 days later due to a crappy doctor.on May I fell I am considered about an incompetent cervix..

Fast forward to yesterday I went to my doctor and she measured my cervix at 3.8 at 16 weeks 4 days with a baby measuring 18 weeks 4 days (just a big baby not false dates).

BUT she said not to worry because this is appropriately measured transvaginaly and she did it she said it’s is probably a bit longer if the measure it from within.

I wanna trust her of course and I do blindly trust her in everything else,but I just feel worried.i have my anatomy scan in 2 weeks cause she said it will be better for my stress if they see the cervix there.

What I wanna ask.

If it is intact 3.8 now,is it a sign that it will not support my pregnancy? Any ladies with similar situations? Thank you for reading

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Posted at
I have an incompetent cervix. At 20 weeks my cervix was 2.4. It improved a week later with progesterone suppository to 3.3 but then shortened dramatically to 1.6cm between 22-23weeks. I ended up getting a cerclage. I was told 2.5-4cm is normal so 3.8 is a good length. Fingers crossed there’s no shortening.


Sarah • Aug 1, 2022
Have you been on bed rest since you had the cerclage?


Aleisha ✨ • Sep 4, 2020
Thank you so much. Wishing the same for you. I had my cerclage removed this week so all is well for me here 😊♥️ I’m 36w4d


Ch • Sep 4, 2020
Oh thank you and I hope you also have a safe pregnancy💗


Posted at
There’s a group thru glow specifically for incompetent cervix IC. Have they told you why they think you have IC? Typically that’s diagnosed when you have a loss later in a pregnancy. You may want second opinions and also ask if they’re willing to do an emergency cerclage should you need one.


Ma • Sep 4, 2020
Awesome!!! Praying you won’t need one!!! :) but if you do they don’t hurt 🙏🏼


Ch • Sep 4, 2020
Hi! really I will go check it out! Yes she said that she will do an emergency stitch if needed but she isn’t worried at all.thank you!


Posted at
3.8 is a good, normal length. Mine was 2.5 and they gave me a cerclage which held up until I was full term. You have plenty of wiggle room, try not to stress!


Ch • Sep 4, 2020
Thank you!! Oh this whole pregnancy is a stress😂I have been on bedrest for 2 months due to bleeding and now I am worried about this! I hope I make it after 30 weeks!


Posted at
3.8 is a good length. Do they plan on checking again ? Mine was fine at 20 weeks but I went back a few weeks later and I had funneling and it shortened. I believe my cervix got messed up from having to have 2 d&cs very close together (I had retained tissue). Then I got pregnant the next month after my d&c. I ended up getting a cerclage. Feel free to message me if you want to chat,


BJ • Sep 4, 2020
I’m 31 weeks now and the stitch has been holding up fine. I also delivered my daughter a month early 2 years ago so they were monitoring my cervix. It’s so great you get to go in for frequent checks. As long as they are monitoring it you should be fine. I think mine was 3.4 at 20 weeks and then they saw funneling and then 3 weeks later it was 2.5 so I got the cerclage.


Ch • Sep 4, 2020
I asked for an early stitch at 13 weeks but she was opposed to this cause she says it might lead to a miscarriage and it wasn’t needed at my case,but she will do one if needed of course.


Ch • Sep 4, 2020
Oh thank you! Yes I am having my anatomy in two weeks and they will check but my doctor lets me come to her office as much as I want to have free I go there every other week to be sure.she is really nice! Oh I have the same story as you! I hope your pregnancy carried through💖on my second d&c they did it while checking it with an US whole time so they don’t miss any tissue.Thank you so so much


Posted at
I have the same thing they put a clerclauge in at 12 weeks to prevent early labor. And take it out at 35 weeks. I would ask about that


Ch • Sep 4, 2020
Sadly she didn’t want to do that early because of the risks coming with the stitch such as miscarriage and because she isn’t at all worried.she says we will keep monitoring and if I need it then she will put it for me