Incompetent cervix


Ladies some insight please.Please forgive my long story.

So on April I had a d&c followed by one more d&c 10 days later due to a crappy doctor.on May I fell I am considered about an incompetent cervix..

Fast forward to yesterday I went to my doctor and she measured my cervix at 3.8 at 16 weeks 4 days with a baby measuring 18 weeks 4 days (just a big baby not false dates).

BUT she said not to worry because this is appropriately measured transvaginaly and she did it she said it’s is probably a bit longer if the measure it from within.

I wanna trust her of course and I do blindly trust her in everything else,but I just feel worried.i have my anatomy scan in 2 weeks cause she said it will be better for my stress if they see the cervix there.

What I wanna ask.

If it is intact 3.8 now,is it a sign that it will not support my pregnancy? Any ladies with similar situations? Thank you for reading