Those moments of adulthood

The moments of adulthood nobody talks about much of if at all...

if you relate to any of these, reply the number(s) below. Stories welcome 🖤

1. Being really pleased with yourself when you have a quiet moment at home alone to poop in peace and not have to rush. 😁

2. Seeing your credit score go up is such a victory

3. Seeing a credit score go down because of issues you weren’t responsible for is horrifying.

4. Wearing PJs all day isn’t nearly as sexy as it was when you were a teenager 🤔

5. Those naked conversations after a disproportionately disappointing encounter with your significant other, where no one wants to ask first “...what happened?”

6. Your media tastes change. I can’t bear to watch teen dramas like I used to. The older I am the more “30s romances” I’m interested in watching.

7. When you catch yourself attracted to someone you would have been interested in if you were their age. Despite them being under age. We don’t talk about it but it happens. (Don’t act on this attraction obviously jeez)

8. Picking up your parents habits and denying you have them.

9. Not everyone will get this but the obligation to have kids to “fulfill” your life but being publicly shamed for not having kids in this insane society right now.

10. What are some adult things that you’ve only encountered once you were at the age you matured to adulthood that nobody else talks about because it’s too hush hush or shameful or embarrassing? Everyone matures differently and at different ages. I want to hear those hard to swallow adult moments. No shame no judgement.