Anxiety when they call

I can’t stand getting phone calls from my family, especially from my dad. I love them all and we otherwise have a great relationship. But last year I got 2 of the worst phone calls in my life from dad, the first one was him telling me my brother died suddenly and unexpectedly. 8 months later he called again telling me grandma had died. Anytime my dad calls I start hyperventilating my heart starts pounding and my mind immediately goes to the worst place. It doesn’t help my sisters and BILs are all active military.

My dad and I have always been super close, it hurts that I used to love getting phone calls to just yak and touch base. My sister called me the other day crying, and I started panicking. She was fine just sad that her husband was deploying and life is already super stressful with the pandemic and her young children being home all day on top of her having to work from home. She just needed to vent, and that’s fine. After she calmed down, I told her I was always here for her to talk to, but please when you call start the conversation with “everybody is ok and no one is hurt.” I know one day I’ll move past this, but I’m always just so scared every time the phone rings.