
f..🤍 • Married💍 A♥️ Sahara💜September 2010 Zakariya 💙August 2020 TTC#baby 3 …

Anyone not breastfeeding? Or chose not to?

Baby boys going to be 4weeks this Wednesday and I had full intentions of breastfeeding he just didn’t latch that well and with my c section etc and not very helpful midwives I didn’t try much to make him latch he also has a tongue tie which made it hard but I did try expressing just didn’t go that well after getting home from the hospital been trying again but it just got Abit too much my incision got infected so sitting down plugged in to a breast pump was hard to do every couple hours he was constantly crying so had to unplug sometimes to see to him pumping made me feel so so down idk why also made me cramp and bleed me which I hated

But I feel so so guilty and down more now because I feel like I failed him everytime I see or hear someone breastfeeding I feel like why didn’t I try harder or should I start again on top of that everyone saying how I’m being selfish not breastfeeding him

I’m already so so down the infection etc has set me back a lot it’s just all been harder than I expected