Feeling discouraged


I’m not sure why but I just have this negative cloud hanging over me with this cycle. This cycle I’ve really focused on my temperature recording and assessing my CM.

For some reason, I just feeling it won’t happen. It’s interesting because I’m in complete understanding of how my mind is processing this all. My rational mind understands that I’m on 5DPO, so I’m not in or out. My temps are still elevated, so I’m not in or out yet.

But for some reason, emotionally, I feel defeated. Being in limbo is not fun. I’ve noticed a mood shift in myself today; which, rationally I know it’s because I worked a night shift last night and am sleep deprived (I’m slightly irritated with my hubby, but for understandable reasons). So my direct though it, “great, I’m PMSing. No baby for me”. Not to mention, my close friend just found she’s pregnant, without trying. The little green monster is trying to come out and I’m really trying hard to ignore it. I’ve also had a few recent deaths in the family.

So there you have it. My little pity party. If you’ve made it through this, I thank you.