please help:(


I have been SO stressed the past few days with online school work, family issues, and so much more. It’s hit me really hard just now because of the start of my period, i have literally never in my life been this emotional. I have SO MUCH school work and my relationship of about 8 months is declining because of it. I feel so overwhelmed. He went to sleep last night without texting me goodnight which was out of the ordinary and hurt my feelings. I texted him while he was asleep about how I felt, that I feel distanced from him and have been stressed and unhappy. I was so upset that I cried uncontrollably for hours until I ended up falling asleep, I skipped school today bc I just couldn’t do it. I want to give up on everything. I’m so upset and mad and annoyed and stressed and all of the above. Everything makes me cry. He woke up this morning to my paragraph (he also knew that I was very upset and crying last night) and he gave some generic response about how he was sorry and that he’s been being weird and that he needs to try harder. We talked some more about it after that. I told him I felt like I couldn’t make him happy anymore because if he was happy, I wouldn’t feel this distance from him. We go back and forth often in closeness, we have a lot of our relationship. Right now it feels really off. I know in my heart that he cares, but i’m angry because I don’t feel like he’s really supporting me and what I’m going through right now in the way that I need. I’m not good at telling people what I need from them. I wish that him knowing I cried myself to sleep invited him to want to comfort me and be there for me and be concerned for me. But I just don’t feel that he is and it’s killing me. Is it wrong for me to want this or expect this from him? It’s not his responsibility that I’m going through some depression. He’s not responsible for my mental health. I feel selfish to ask that of him, to ask him to support me more. Even if he said “is there anything I can do” I would say no because there really isn’t. I don’t think I have the right to be mad at him but I am. And right now, if I don’t have him I really don’t have anything or anyone else. I really dont know how much of my hormone’s fault it is for causing me to feel this way, but maybe after my period I’ll be fine. I just need advice. I don’t know how I wouldn’t talk to him in a way that’s not like “give me more attention!” And I don’t want him to feel forced to make me happy bc I think if he wanted to give me attention or wanted to make me happy, he’d already be doing it. The last thing I want is to force someone to be with me who doesn’t really want to, but when I tell him this, he claims he does.