How to Help Mom Cope with Menopause


Hi everyone! So to start, I just turned 20 this summer and I go to University in town so I stay with my parents. For the past four months or so, my mom hasn’t gotten her period but I think it has to be for a certain number of months more before it’s technically classified as menopause (?)

Anyways, she’s been kinda moody lately, I notice irritability the most. I have some mental health issues myself (depression, anxiety) and between her passive aggressiveness and my sensitivity, I’ve been terrified to have normal conversations with her because I end up in tears half the time. I’m an only child, so I always feel like I have to prove to her that I’m worthy of the life she tried so hard to give me and sometimes she makes me feel like I’m failing at it. It sucks, I just want to be able to talk to her like she’s my best friend again.

Maybe I’d be better off posting this in a different group, but I figured I’d ask some more experienced ladies who have been through this what the best way is to help my mom adjust to hopefully build that relationship up again.