3rd c section - possibly the last 😔

I had my 3rd c section on aug 24th and had my 35weeker. I had so much scar tissue and bleeding that I’m being told that this should be my last baby because my life is at risk. Has anyone else been told this and gone to have more kids later on? This c section was 14 months after my last. He wasn’t planned (I’ve struggled to get pregnant in the past) but happened. I really wanted another one 3-5 years from him but I’m being told no. I’m wondering if anyone else has had the same outcome? I think my doctors are thinking I’m planning another one in a year even though I’ve said no more for a few years already. I’ve had 4 losses ontop of the 3 babies and I hate feeling like this pregnancy was my last. I’m very grateful for what I have but definitely don’t feel done as weird as that sounds.