Not enthused


Long post...

So my bf is very, very opposite from what im used to in men. Usually every guy wants one thing, SEX... but i could walk into a room completely naked and he's hardly fazed. Sometimes he'll go "oohh boobies!" LOL but most of the time he's very much like a girl. I get "km tired, not tonight, maybe later, we'll see, I need to shower" and though higene is important lol its not spontaneous. I feel like im begging... hes 27, im 25... we should be fucking like bunnies... my sex drive is extremely high and his is not. When we first started dating we had sex maybe once a month, now its much more often tg, but i just wish he had more of a reaction. He just doesn't seem excited. Its almost like he could care less. Any other guy would LOVE my high sex drive and he's just meh. I dont get it.