Nexplanon, Periods, and Levothyroxine (Thyroid Medicine)

🌴🍉 Kae ☀️💦 • 🇩🇰 🇺🇸 🇧🇦 #LoveIsNotTourism

I have searched all over the place for information about this and I’ve only found very small amounts of info and small amounts of other people’s vaguely similar situation.

I have had Nexplanon since January 31, 2018. I’ve been doing fine this whole time..

Around mid-July, 2020, due to other issues, my doctor said she would like to check my thyroid as the last time she checked, they were on the low end of the spectrum. When she tested again, she still felt they were low. Usually they post blood test results, but the last few times she hadn’t because apparently she doesn’t if she knows she’s going to see the patient to discuss the results (I get it but... I need mah numbas! 😂). Fortunately, this time she did (I was persistent). She prescribed me 88 mcg of Levothyroxine (based it on my weight). I had to set up an appointment for 6 weeks later to test if the medicine did anything. After some confusion, they actually tested on the 5th week and the nurse was concerned it would be too early, but felt some comfort in knowing I started taking it immediately and didn’t miss a day/take it inconsistently. She asked if I “felt any different”.. No, not necessarily. The test showed that it was still low. The range is 0.40 - 4.50. Mine is 0.43. It’s normal but extremely low. I think this means she will want me to continue taking the thyroid medicine. I won’t know until my next appointment in about 2 weeks, but I am continuing to take it, as I wasn’t advised to do anything else. I am okay with that, HOWEVER, and this is my whole point of this post.. 😂

Taking this medicine has stopped my period. I am on CYCLE DAY 63. My period is currently showing as 31 days late for what should have been the 2nd cycle while taking this medicine. Normally, my period is expected to start today. I do feel some light cramps, but I’m not expecting anything to happen. I felt some sort of cramping last month too and possibly a few random times here and there (nothing alarming), but nothing to show for it. When trying to explain this to my doctor AND the nurse who took my blood, I’m given confused looks and informative that isn’t fitting what I’m saying. I also explained that when I took Amoxicillin (semisynthetic penicillin), the same thing occurred where my period randomly stopped. After I stopped taking it, 3 days passed and my period returned (good timing lol). All I want to know is.. AM I OKAY? IS MY BIRTH CONTROL STILL WORKING?

Doctor: “Levothyroxine can cause a period change. I want you to continue treatment for now.” (Yes, but what do you know about changes from Nexplanon and Levothyroxine possibly clashing?)


Me: “Is my birth control still working? Usually people need a menstrual cycle to get pregnant, right?”

Nurse: “Yes, Nexplanon can change periods.. Oh, you’ve had it since 2018? Both medicines? The medicine could be the reason.. but that doesn’t seem right??? *hesitates again* You can just use condoms, right?”


Well, yes, but WHAT? D;



While I do have other issues that are being checked out, I am not taking much besides omeprazole, allergy medicine, and 1 capsule of 50,000 IU of vitamin D per week (doctor prescribed due to consistent, low Vitamin D levels all da timeee >__<‘). None of these have ever caused an issue.

I know no one can necessarily answer that, as they don’t know what’s happening in my body... but does anyone else have a similar experience? I’ve accepted I may never see my period again if I continue this medicine. I’m okay with my period disappearing as long as I’m safe AND it would be nice if my birth control is working. :\