IUD stopped working? Possibly Pregnant?



Alright, this is going to sound silly so just bear with me.

I’ve had the Kyleena iud for about 3 years. It’s good for 5. For the first year and a half I had no period, no period symptoms, literally nothing. At the two-ish year mark I started to cramp more and get more symptoms. Currently, I experience a very regular 26-28 day cycle, cramps begin three days before my period, and the flow is VERY light and dark in color.

This change started to worry me because I assumed the iud was losing it’s effectiveness. I saw my OB and she checked the strings and assured me everything was in working order.

Fast forward to now, I’m worried I might be pregnant. My fiancé and I did the deed twice the day before I ovulated. I didn’t really think anything of if. However, this cycle I haven’t had ANY of my normal period symptoms AND my period is two days late. Maybe I’m overreacting. Should I test?? I don’t know...