Liletta IUD experience


Hello! I wanted to share my experience getting an IUD because I know a lot of people come to <a href="">Eve</a> for advice and guidance when it comes to birth control.

I got my IUD last week. I went to planned Parenthood (it would’ve been $1,350 if I went to a regular gynecologist but I got it free). I made an appointment ahead of time too.

I had never been to a gynecologist so I was nervous going in but the people there were very friendly and it was a very easy process.

After I laid down on the table, the doctor felt to see which way my uterus was leaning and she then measured how deep it was. After that, she inserted the IUD.

To me, it just felt like really severe period cramps. My eyes squinted up but the pain gets a lot better when her “tools” are removed.


I had very extreme cramps the rest of the day. I stayed in bed that entire day and had a heating pad to help. The next day I woke up totally fine and back to myself. Haven’t had any problems yet.

Make sure u set the whole day aside to test after.
