Psychic said we won’t last

Now this is going to sound stupid to many of you.. but today my mother went to see a psychic .. she strongly believes in these things and I guess so do I.. she puts tarot cards and she can talk about life and future etc.. just last month.. she recommended one of my mothers friends to go to a doctor to check for cancer... and what do you know... they found cancer.. thankfully early on so she’ll be okay..

Anyways.. about me.. I’m in a long distance relationship (long distance will end in 50 days..) with the man I can honestly call the love of my life.. he is amazing.. and I love him more than anything.. he loves me too.. I see it every day in him.. in the way he speaks and looks at me.. and much more..

But we do have fights often over small things.. the fights never last long.. we always solve them in a day.. I never thought anything could ever seriously end our relationship.. I always thought whatever future brings us we can deal with it and overcome..

So when my mother came back from the psychic today and told me she had asked about me.. the psychic told her that she sees the man in my life... she talked about us and that’s e both have a difficult personality.. but that we are very similar in spirit...( which is true.. that’s why I feel he is the love of my life... I feel we are a perfect match in every way ) however she said that she doesn’t see our relationship lasting for the rest of our lives..

Didn’t specify.. the appointment didn’t last long.. but my mother said she definitely said so.. ( she said many things but this is what is bothering me most now so I won’t focus on the rest )

Now this might seem stupid and most people might think I’m crazy for worrying about something like this... but it does really bother me... we are so happy.. and love each other so much... I can really see myself spending my entire life with him.. why would we break up.. why.. it’s driving me crazy.. it worries me so much.. I can’t get it out of my head.. I want this relationship To last.. I want him to be the one.. I feel it..

I know we are in control of our own lives and futures... the choices we make are our own.. and we can control our lives.. but I still can’t stop thinking of it.. it just depresses me.. I feel like I’m already mourning a relationship that has barely been able to properly start..