Can you post a picture of your girl’s potty shot ultrasound ?

Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Mama of three 💙💞💙

***UPDATE - She’s definitely all girl! Had scan today at 36 weeks and we got to triple confirm today ! Thanks all ***

Can you post a picture of your girl’s potty shot ultrasound ?

I’ve been told 3 times I’m having a girl by ultrasound .. (also sneak peek blood test said girl) I’m SO excited bc we want a girl (or first is a boy) but I had a dream last night that baby came out a boy now I’m tripping 😭😂

This was my potty shot at 19 weeks (I’m 36+2 now)


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Posted at
This is a girl.


Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Sep 15, 2020
Thank you!!!


Posted at
That’s 100% a girl!


Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Sep 15, 2020
Thank you!!! I posted my shot to a Facebook group for ultrasounds and these women are like “oh could be boy that one part sticks out!” I’m like wow really? Was looking for reassurance and they definitely did the opposite, which is why I posted here 😂🙌


Posted at
Thats a girl. Those dreams can drive you crazy if you let them. Last night i dreamed I pumped a full bottle. Baby isnt even here yet. And ive dreamed 3x that i already had her just to wake up to any empty crib. Our minds are so crazy right now.


Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Sep 15, 2020
They really can 😭 I’m sorry you’re having crazy dreams too..,thank you for the reassurance!


Posted at
This was my potty shot ultrasound at 20 weeks and I’m also having dreams of having a boy and we already have everything for a baby girl currently 36 weeks


Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Sep 15, 2020
Aww yours is for sure a girl! Glad I’m not alone in how I’m feeling.. yes we have every ready for our little “Miss Amelia” so if she somehow wasn’t a she I’d be totally shocked.


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