Need advice

Been with my partner for 4 and a half years and we have a child together. He wants a break to figure out what he wants, it all started because he has been on facebook liking girls photos and a girl told me she is speaking to my fella and she laughed about it and blocked me, so of course im going to go mad at my fella and he denied it and said she is trying to wind me up. Well anyways... he wants a break and to not talk to me at all until friday, he wants time to himself to figure out what he truly wants. I’ve asked him if he could delete the girl that told me shes talking to him and he said “no, he doesnt need to delete her because there not talking” ..

I try to contact him but he has a conversation and then cuts me off half way through talking. All because i dont agree with what hes doing regarding girls he now wants a ‘break’ to figure out whether he wants to be with me or not!

Its always me making the effort, contacting him first.

He doesnt want any contact until friday. He wants to do his own thing for abit

I dont know what to do anymore i really dont !!!