What should I do?

I’m in a difficult situation right now with work and I need some advice.

I’ve been working with one job at my college campus as a student employee for 3 years, since 2017. We will call that Job A. I’ve been working with another job for 2 years, since 2018. We will call it Job B.

Because of Covid I got temporarily furloughed back in March. They are just now allowing me to come back to Job A starting next week, and my supervisor at Job B told me that they want me to come back, but that they do not want that many people in the office right now and would let me know by the end of September (this month) if I can come back. She told me she would understand if I had to find something else but that she definitely wanted me to come back. I told her a when she sent the email last month that as of right now I was able to wait but would let her know.

Well I applied for a job with my library at my school because I need more than just the 15 hours that Job A is giving me (I’m used to working 22 hours and since being laid off I have accumulated a lot of credit card debt I need to pay off). The library just got back with me today and we scheduled an interview for this Thursday, two days from now.

My supervisor and another coworker at Job B are also writing a letter of recommendation for me for grad school, and I’m their only student worker so I will feel awful if I leave them during this busy time. However I do need the hours and working at the library is somewhat of a dream of mine. I don’t think it would be possible to work at all 3 because there is a limit to amount of hours you can work as a student (I think it’s a 28 hour limit).

Wha should I do?

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