TTC a rainbow baby


Hi ladies, i don’t know where else to vent or ask so please don’t judge me I need positive energy only. On July 22,2020 I lost my 3 week old baby, he was born healthy and perfect. He was our rainbow baby after a horrible miscarriage, he was also suppose to be a twin but I lost the twin during pregnancy. I have been seeing a therapist but Everyday since then has been really hard. I have 3 girls ages 9, 5, and 3 who unfortunately have also been affected by all of this. My husband wants to start trying and some days I feel ready and other days I feel guilty, guilty like we are replacing our baby but I know that’s not the case. I fee guilty moving on without him. I want another baby so bad but I’m also worried that people will think we are replacing our angel baby. Anyways if you got all they way down here thank you!!! Any advice is appreciated 💕