Is he right?

I’ll try to make this short... my husband and I have had problems that I won’t mention but now the issue is that he says I’m so annoying asking him questions everyday the same questions over and over and sometimes he makes me feel so bad like yesterday he said he doesn’t care if I still go to school or not because we don’t know if we’ll be together and things like that so pretty much he does care what I do.... he says he’s tired of me that I annoyed him asking questions like do you love me so you lie and etc.

Also he says he can’t show any affection to me or treat me like his wife or anything because he’s annoyed of me....// also he’s not doing everything right we both have made mistakes and we have talked about everything and still the same, pretty much he says he won’t change anything about us until I stop with the annoying and repeated questionsthat ir gets him in a bad mood and he doesn’t want to have anything with me because I’m like that and supposedly him if I wasn’t like that he would be way different with me and that we won’t move out from living together with his family until we’re both good and sure that we will stay together... of course there is more to this but this is the main issue according to him

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