Confused and scared

A • 32, married to my highschool sweetheart, momma to my sweet girls Mia 08/17/18 & Ella 05/08/21

I’m 6w exactly with my second and never had any of this with my daughter.

Had bloodwork at 5w3d HcG 3341

Two days later had some light spotting (only when I wiped) after a bowel movement, it was definitely coming from the front not the back. Went to ER HcG was 5474 (just under 48 hours later) and transvaginal ultrasound confirmed a yolk sac in uterus measuring as it should be. They said everything was on track and had no concerns.

Nothing more happened until two days later, again light spotting with bowel movement. Had scheduled bloodwork as recommended by doctor in ER today (about 44 hours after last draw) and HcG was 8475.

It’s reassuring that my levels are rising appropriately but I don’t understand this spotting. Has something similar happened to anyone else?

I am trying not to panic but my anxiety is through the roof. Have a phone appointment with my regular doctor Thursday and my previously scheduled dating scan next Tuesday.