I will be 30 weeks pregnant in 2 days. All I do is eat and get back in bed. If I try to sit up or walk around I feel very sick until I lay down. Is anyone else like this?



My doctor said not to push myself too hard but I haven’t been. I’ve just been feeling sick whenever I get out of bed. I eat and lay down and then I feel great. Any advice?

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My first pregnancy was like this, especially in the end. I would wake up, eat, lay back down and take a nap. I didn't have any complications and my son was born healthy. But I will say that routine made me feel depressed and I think if I tried harder to change things I could have enjoyed the last few weeks a lot more. I'm currently 34.5 weeks with #2, I've eaten a lot healthier and my first born keeps me active. I feel 100x better this time. Take care of your body. I know, way easier said than done, but you got this!. Good luck ❤️


Ti • Sep 16, 2020
Thank you so much


Posted at
I work 5 days a week and still feel like this. I wake up around 2-4 every night super nauseous and pretty bad stomach pain it’s been like this for a week or 2. I am constantly moving around at work plus dizziness and feel like this as I’m moving around or staying still. I’m 34.4 weeks. Maybe it’s just a first time pregnancy thing?


Ti • Sep 16, 2020
Thanks so much love!


Cairra • Sep 16, 2020
I hope you feel better and you and your baby are healthy ❤️


Cairra • Sep 16, 2020
Thank you mama ❤️❤️