I threw up on my bf dick.

Ok so I’m so embarrassed. So today me and my bf were getting ready for a good time if you know what I mean. So he goes down on me so I decided to return the favor and go down on him. So I’m doing my thing and he pushes my head more down and tells me to go deeper. And with one of his pushes I gag and a throw up a little bit. I immediately stop and I look at him with disbelief. And he’s like “what?” So I play it off like “nothing it’s just saliva” and I continue. Honestly at the moment it didn’t look like vomit or smelled. So anyways we got a condom and had sex. Midway thru sex I see his bed cover has a tiny bit of vomit. It wasnt a lot it was honestly very little. This is when I realized I really did throw up. I reach over for any shirt and cover it. After sex I turn on the light and decide to show him because these are his sheets. He was “why did u do that? Did I smell? Taste bad?” And he got really sad I immediately tell him no and explain it was because he pushed my head down to far and caused me to gag. He then began to tell me that this is so gross. I laugh and say “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it it just happened. I’ll clean it up. But hey some guys are into that stuff” I said it as a joke and he responds back with “that is so gross. Did u like that?” And I say “oh no! It was an accident I didn’t mean to” and he then proceededs to call me gross and that this has never happened and that he can’t believe I threw up on his dick. I started crying because I felt so embarrassed and I apologized. He didn’t say anything and just looked at me like if I did the grosses thing on earth. I then got up and pick up his bed sheets and put it aside and layed down new ones. After I immediately grabbed my keys and left home. When he walked me out to my car he just gave me a small kiss and let me go. I feel so embarrassed.