
So i recently found out today that i have gonorrhea. For one i am definitely panicking right now and 9/10 the boy who I recently had sex with gave it to me because I got tested last month and was fine but didnt have sex with ANYONE until i met him. We stopped talking now so I don’t know how to tell him that he gave me something because he’s literally so childish and told his friend about everything we did together. The main thing I want to know is if I got treated is it just like a chlamydia treatment where i wait 7 days after receiving the treatment to have sex again? I’m most certainly not having sex anytime soon and now I will be telling any future partners to get tested or if I can see their results beforehand. I have to go to the health department because of this now and how much did treatment cost?? I’m in Maryland.

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If you’re concerned about telling him directly, there is a text service where it will alert someone that they need to get tested and you could use that instead(just google it). I understand being worried about him telling your business to his friends. If you think he’s seeing other people recently then it wouldn’t be super conspicuous but if you’re the only person he’s been seeing then you’re better off just telling him. Keep in mind you’re not at fault for it but definitely have the conversation with future partners about if they’ve been tested recently


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I’d tell him. It’s on him on how he takes it! And you have to take your antibiotics and get a shot. No sex for 10 day’s!