Should I break up with him?

I really could use some advice. I have been dating my boyfriend since January. I started seeing him shortly after I left my daughter’s dad, so I haven’t really been single at all.

Don’t get me wrong, he is a good guy and I like him a lot, but something seems off. At first, he took forever to actually want to date me because I have a baby. Eventually he came around. My issue is I just feel like him and I are f*** buddies at this point. I told him I loved him on the 4th of july and he still has not said it back. We never go on dates, he never tells me I am beautiful, when I try to talk about important stuff- he shudders away from it, he actually has insulted my appearance and the way I have dressed before.. I don’t know what to do. I am supposed to be flying home with him in a month to meet his family, but I just don’t know if I can continue in the relationship. I don’t want to just feel like his buddy. I want breath-taking, overwhelming LOVE. I have never ever had that.

I have talked to him a bit about the romance aspect and how girls need a bit more than what I am getting and he just said “I’m bad with that stuff”. My gut is telling me that my soulmate is out there and it’s not him. I think I may need to just focus on myself and my daughter and let everything fall into place. Does that make me a terrible person? Should I keep trying? I know he is going to be hurt because this is very out of the blue.

Thank you for the advice and sorry if this is dumb.