Have you ever had a “friend”

That never and I mean NEVER texts you back? I know texting isn’t a huge deal but we have known each other since 2003. We just got back in touch after months of not talking. Whenever we get back in contact she will text me the first day or two to catch up, then she disappears. And if I am like “hello?” She always has an excuse to why she can’t or didn’t respond.

I’ve gone through this same scenario tens of times with her and I’m like.. is it even worth it to tell her how frustrating that is to me??

I honestly feel like our friendship is about to really end because it’s hanging on by a hair. I don’t know how much more I can try to communicate. We love extremely close together like 3 mins driving wise, I just got a new car and I am almost ready to drive it and get my license back. So I can’t go see her on my own but I honestly don’t think I would even when I can drive.

I wanted to see if she ready any of my messages and she did, all 10 of them. No replies.

“Read at 9:15 am”

“Read at 12:10pm”

“Read at 7pm”

I mean. I just give up dude 🤣