Should I tell my boyfriend I lost my virginity to his friend?

A pretty long messy story

Ok so at the time I’m 14 and I come across a smooth talking 25(?) y/o. He lied about his age a lot so he was somewhere between 23-27. I didn’t know my bf at the time but I was apart of a big group of friends so we know a lot of mutual people. So 5 years after losing my virginity to this pedophile (he’s dropped me and never talked to me again and got deported) I meet my bf we have kids together and I never told a soul about the pedo EXCEPT my bfs other friend (they had a falling out before we got together)... who I was in a sexual relationship for a couple months (yeah we know a lot of the same people) so my bf said the friend told him a lot about me and he claimed “I know more than you think I do” idk wtf that means but I never asked cause I don’t care it was in my past.

But it is embarrassing that I was foolishly talked into losing my virginity so young.

Three maybe four times throughout the years my bf has brought this friend up and it always just 🤢🤢🤢

He was deported back to mexico so they never hang out but they still talk from time to time. Should I leave it or tell him? I just don’t want him to be like “wtf why didn’t you tell me?”