
Anyone with an older child (5+), did you have some concerns with your child when they were a toddler and did it turn out to be nothing or did they eventually end up with a diagnosis?

I’ve taken my child to be evaluated by a developmental paediatrician and child psychologist but I still have niggling concerns something isn’t quite right.

He is 24 months (2 years old)

He does make eye contact but it is definitely reduced compared to other kids his age

He responds to his name around 60% of the time. I can understand this when he is watching a show or heavily engaged in an activity but sometimes he appears to just be starring off into space doing nothing

He does some simple pretend play but also likes spending time spinning wheels on cars

He occasionally will involve me in his play by passing me a toy or asking for help but most often he plays by himself and I have to really insert myself to join in

He often shakes his head and looks out of the corner of eye

He does point to things but he needs encouragement to clap and wave

His language skills are fine- he is talking in short sentences 3-4 words

He repeats phrases a lot (even if he doesn’t understand the phrase and it’s out of context)

He watches other kids but doesn’t really play/interact with them unless they are older kids (5+) who lead the interaction

He tells me his needs (if he wants food or a drink or if he’s done a number 2)