Missed period


Hi everyone! I do not really post on here much, I think this will be the first time for me. Anyways, I have been having a little bit of a health worry. I missed my period, it is now about 9 or 10 days late. I took a couple of pregnancy tests and both came out negative, but what is really odd is the past few days I've been having symptoms associated with pregnancy: nausea, temp. sensitivity, tired more often than not, minimal pain that comes and goes around my abdominal area and where you would expect the entire pelvic area to be. A tiny bit of back pain too and I've been peeing like crazy! I've been pretty gassy too... lol. Anyways, I'm hoping to set up an appointment with my doctor and gyno tomorrow. I can't HELP but scavenge the internet and self diagnose as troubling as that is. The results just makes me more anxious, but I can't help this curiosity. I'm close to just going to the ER cause I'm just a worrywart haha. I'm just wondering if any of you ladies have had similar symptoms and have a clue as to what this could be. Maybe there are a few doctors on here as well!! Hoping to just ease this anxiety I'm having over a missed period. Thank u darlings