Do I sound unreasonable

Hey ladies. I’m having a baby in less than 3 weeks (woo hoo) and it’s my first child and his as well. Well when me and him first got together (we are no longer dating) I had a run in with his ex. Long story! But she’s a psycho and of course he’s the middle man of all the drama that transpired between her and I. So he’s just a guilty. But speaking of her, she has stalked every social media site I own still TILL THIS DAY. Makes fake pages to try to get to me because all my social media is private. Sends messages saying someone else is pregnant by him, etc etc. Just a bunch of bs! Now I know I can’t control who is around my child when I’m not present and he’s with his dad, but I respectfully asked him to keep my child away from her if hes gonna be with her (he keeps saying it’s no way in hell their getting back together). But he says things and does the opposite so I don’t pay his word any mind. This girl is out to get me and it scares me that if she can’t get to me she will try to get to my child. Am I being unreasonable by asking him to keep my child away from her? Had this just been a argument between me and her, I would’ve been able to overlook it. Women can be catty toward each other sometimes. But she has pulled real psycho shit! Which makes me believe she’s unstable as it is. Threatening to kill herself, lying about being in hospitals to try to get his attention, etc. she has 2 kids as well. Idk! Something in my spirit just doesn’t sit right with this girl!

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