CD48 and now I get a +ve OPK


Hi all so I woke up this morning just waiting for the af to appear as she should roughly around this time. But doing my usual routine I notice my CM was a little EW not very stretchy but enough for me to notice a bit of lubrication. So I figure why not I'll take a OPK and blam! this is what I get and that lovely line appeared within moments of taking the test and has developed to this!

I have only one thing to say to my feritility organs at this point 'WTF'! Its crazy my cycle numbers are all over the place one month I clearly ovulated earlier than usual based on BBT so I would have already had my period long before now. This months bbt has been so up and down I thought I may have ovulated at some point but clearly not!

I had a ultrasound the other day and all the radiologist could tell me at the time was I have a structurally normal womb and ovaries (good I thought) but then I thought to mention I was worried my tubes were blocked or something and I got a very rushed oh you'd need an xray to determine that and repeated my results of the ultrasound will come from my Dr in a weeks time! Now I'm back to worrying... Great....

But at least I can mention the very late ovulation this cycle and see what she says though we have been referred to a specialist its a waiting game to see when we'll get to see them with COVID kicking off again.

Sorry a bit of a rant guys but I needed to get this off my chest. I'm super frustrated with my body right now. I hate my body right now!

A bit of context I've always been irregular when I came to my periods although I could always assume I'd have one roughly a month apart although the day would always seem to shift a few days (I reckon I was having a roughly 33 day cycle back then. But since trying for baby #1 I've gone from roughly 33 day cycles to anything between 33 and 54... now this cycle will be roughly just over 60 days! Maybe I'm noticing it more now I'm tracking it but damn its all over the place. Yes I am overweight and in the last few years I have put on more weight than I'd like. To the point where my drs have piped up and decided to help me considering my infertility issues at the moment. I've gone from feeling comfortable in my skin but knowing I need to lose weight to hating my body and my weight and now stressing that I need to lose weight.

Yea not a good place but then my SO is being super supportive albeit naughty offering me chocolate treats when he knows I shouldn't lol naughty man! And his mum is being super supportive too, she's my exercise buddy (swimming).

But then this OPK test has gone and mocked everything I thought I know about my body.

Rant over thank you all for taking the time to read my little rant.