Planning first overnight trip with baby


Just thought I would share my thoughts i’m currently having on packing for a (first ever) overnight trip with my 6-month old in case anyone could use a laugh or relate 😂

Baby’s things:

1. bag stuffed full with several outfits, bibs, sleepers, more outfits, etc (because i just KNOW she’ll spit up on everything and we’ll need to change her 6 times in a 24 hour period even though that we never do that normally)

2. whole box of diapers (because omg what if she spontaneously develops diarrhea and we run out of diapers even though we are going to be in a town with a store right there 😂)

3. baby tylenol and baby gas medicine and thermometer and butt paste and every other medicine i can think of (even though she hasn’t needed the gas drops for months but omg what if she gets sick while we are there 😫)

4. half a dozen pacifiers (because i know she’ll throw them on the floor and we’ll need that many even though i’ll be RIGHT THERE to pick it up and wash it off for her 😆)

5. how many toys will it take to pacify her for a 4 hour car ride? 🤷‍♀️ better just bring them all to be safe

6. formula and bottles (even though she is breastfed and will literally not be leaving my side but what if she goes on a nursing strike while we are there i can’t let her possibly starve 🥺)

7. stroller (in case she doesn’t like the baby carrier), baby carrier (in case she doesn’t like the stroller), pack and play (for her to sleep on in the hotel room), bassinet (to use as a changing table)

8. the kitchen sink

My things:

one backpack with a couple outfits, my phone, and phone charger