How do you play hard to get sometimes?

I'm married and trying to increase tension sexually. I've always been at my husband's beck and call even when dating and I think it's causing a weird dynamic.

We've been together for 3 years.

So what do I do? I don't want to be mean and say no to helping him or ignore his phone calls. 😞

I'm so weak too, he's trying to be better because he knows the extent of the problem. So I let him take me out and I let him have really really kinky sex with me. Should I have said no to sex? I tried but he asked me if I trusted him and he took off my clothes and gave me a full body massage and then we ended up having sex for two hours 😖😭

I am just scared he will go back to the way it's always been. Me getting sexually rejected very rudely and him under appreciating me.

-we are going to go to therapy together-