Clomid and Ovidrel...

My DH and I have been TTC for 7 months now. I found out I had PCOS about 5 months ago. This is the first month I have been on Clomid and had an ovidrel shot. Hoping you all can help me...
I took Clomid from days 5-9
Follicle check on cd12 showed 3 on right side (20mm, 14mm, and 9mm) and one on left (9mm)
Lining was 10mm 
Triggered around 4PM on CD12
We have been BD on CD 9, 11, 12, 13 and will continue daily until cd 16. 
Do any of you have any advice for me? I have been having major back pain and sharp tinges in my abdomen area. Is that common?
And with my follicle sizes, what do you all think my chances are for a BFP this cycle?
Thank you for any help you have! And baby dust to all!!!